I've talked this over with the Happy Divorcee Wholesale Cigarettes Online, aka the Pip, and he swears that he'll never date a thick ankled woman. I've also talked it all out with Ray and Hugh, and we've decided that we'll immediately institute a ban on any potential future visits by thick ankled women over at the IHOP. We don't need the potential liability involved, nor can those thick ankles banging around together sound very good, it might even interfere with the BTO, Elvis, and 2 Live Crew music that we all like to listen to. And that by itself is plenty of justification for the ban.
Young men of the Southeast (and beyond), take this column as a public service reminder for yourselves - you've been warned both by the Godfather and The Brotherhood about thick ankled women Cheap Cigarettes Online USA, so take heed. Remember - you can live with a woman who has mean relatives, uses too much perfume, or makes you buy feminine hygiene products. That can all be dealt with by gritting your teeth and cussing under your breath. But big ankles? Man, if you go out and get hooked up with a thick ankled woman, you deserve to have your bank accounts drained as only Dr. Sholls can do it.
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