
in the world. It is only t

in Eure Homepages 06.09.2019 09:01
von ylq | 67 Beiträge

In the cradle of destiny, we are humble fish, unintentionally pushed by the waves to the stranded bay, struggling to tumbling, just eager to drink a drop of water, even if it is just a small drop of water. They are always on the verge of life and death. Happiness is always so close and far away Cigarettes For Sale, reaching out and being out of reach. If everyone��s life is a farewell, why do we know each other again? In a twinkling summer, I sat in the study room and hurriedly turned over the book "We Never Know"! The heart suddenly stunned, as if something suddenly rushed out of my mind and plugged my heart Marlboro Cigarettes. Looking at the little potted plant Marlboro Red, the pieces of memory have gradually become clearer - we have been separated for too long, the time seems to be still - those years, we were crazy together, we were together Laughter, we used to sing together under the tree. We used to wander around together... Maybe you have already forgotten the rain of Nancheng��s leaping rain in March, exudes an ancient and scent. The old willows along the river emptied the branches, but they were still gestating a new piece of buds, carrying the unchanging feelings of the millennium, and brewing the next glimmer of prosperity. The early spring sun has not faded from the softness of winter, and it is sprinkled on the warm land. The white gas that carries the dream carries one dream after another, drifting away from the homeland to the unknown height. The sun is still mixed with a hint of sweetness, accompanied by the oncoming breeze before the forehead, and Liu Haiying spills clear eyes, the fragrance flowing through the fingertips is fleeting, no one can deny its existence in the midnight life. In a dream prayer, I weaved reality and dreams together, and made a bright smile. In the time, there was a wave of ripples. I buried my love and emotions deep in the river, waiting for the next piece of tenderness. The leaves, like the happiness that carries the millennium, receive the tenderness that permeates the entire universe. In the early morning, the window slid through the warm wind, and the sun began to fight for everything like the king. The chill was the last resistance, lurking in the body of the curled up. The screams of falling and falling are empty, and the image of another space is cast in this world. The restless body trembles slightly, and the soul that greets the recovery turns back. The scenes in the dream are smouldering, like a missing blank in memory, which intercepts a piece of evidence that I really exist. There is no unwillingness to lose, but there is a faint regret left. I heard that no dreams are remembered. My deja vu is still unattainable expectation, devastating thoughts. You abandon me alone, and when you are young, you will have a radiant and beautiful body, and you will not be able to avoid the old and sickness of time washing. When I was washing in the early morning, I thought of my mother��s kind and old face after many years. I was so familiar and unfamiliar. I was so sad that I wanted to cry, but my tears could not fall. Sometimes I was bored in the classroom and I felt my life, from falling to silk. In this world of continuous running, I dare not stay in minutes. In the end, in addition to the constantly dilapidated body did not take away a trace of other things, then why bother to go. Perhaps I have seen too many words that say that the world is unbearable, and there is no expectation of the emotions carried by the world��s numb and confused gestures in this world. The appearance is optimistic and the heart is lonely and numb. There is no loneliness and no loneliness in the world. It is only the fear and fear of loneliness. Or in the face of this small and short-lived panic in this vast society. The essence of life is loneliness. In such a desperate world, life is inherently fragile. Fortunately, you didn't leave it too early, let me see you, you can't say it. Just like meeting you, the heart becomes transparent in that moment, and it is clear that it will not be eclipsed by the years. Some traces are blurred but remain for a long time without losing. Those traces, it should be kept, to remind the youth that has been there. Then, in the end, the first, the first, the quiet, the simplest life, and the most distant dreams are now expected, but there is a person who can hug every day - you!
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