Follow-up. Wait for him to call you. If he doesn't call within two weeks, send another letter. It's a proven fact that most transactions take place within the 2nd to 7th contact with the seller. Don't Cigarettes Online Free Shipping give up!
Do your homework. While you are waiting for the seller to call you, find out what the house is worth in good condition. To Cheap Cigarettes Wholesale do this, you may need the help of a real estate agent who can do a quick market analysis. You'll need an agent as part of your dream team until you get a good idea of the values in your market area. Get an idea of how much repair is needed to get this house in good condition. (A contractor can give you an estimate.)
Take the call from the seller. When the seller calls, be prepared. There are several questions that you'll want answered by the seller to help you determine whether this is a money-maker or not.
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