
n a thick tree was cut down, he ac

in Eure Homepages 14.12.2019 07:47
von ylq | 67 Beiträge

Nobel, a world-renowned chemist and the founder of the "Nobel Prize", once said: "Life, that is a gem that nature has given to humans to carve." What does it mean? He told us that life is as precious as a gem, and we need to carve it carefully. Life itself is a miracle. While we are in awe of life, we are also loving ourselves. Many small fish were stranded on the beach after the sea ebb. A little boy who tried to put the fish back into the sea. An adult asked him, "Can you save so many small fishes?" The child said, "I must be too late." The adult said, "You can't save them all anyway, who cares about your efforts?" The child thought about it and still didn't give up. He tried to put the fish back into the sea and said, "This fish cares, this fish cares, this fish should also be positive and optimistic in life, away from the heavy. A young man carrying a big package , Qian Liyi came to a famous master. Asked him: "I'm so lonely, lonely, painful, why can't I find the sunshine in my heart? The master said, "What's in your parcel?" "The youth said," It is my pain, crying, and trouble So the master brought the youth to the river, and they crossed the river by boat. The master let him take the boat to rush the road, and the youth was surprised. The master smiled slightly and said Carton Of Cigarettes, "The boat is useful when crossing the river, but it crosses the river , We are going to drop the boat and hurry, let go of the burden! Life cannot be too heavy. We must never give up the hope of life. A lumberjack went to the forest to cut down a tree. When a thick tree was cut down, he accidentally pressed on his leg. All his legs were shattered, which would be life-threatening if not amputated. So he was not afraid of severe pain, and amputated by himself. He just wanted to go back alive, what did you learn from the above example? Life is so important that living is better than anything. No amount of money, fame, status, is comparable to a healthy life Cigarettes For Sale. You have no life, no matter how much you have, it has no meaning. So let's cherish life and never give up!

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